Angel on Earth

Whether you believe in a higher power or not, when you are in the bubble of a pure soul you can be over come with emotion. Caera is literally an Angel on Earth.. When we got Caera I didn't even want her. I was done having dogs. I have been without my boxer Brandy that I had for 10 years and then I had to give my little Jack Russell mix to my mom so he wouldn't be euthanized. I was so busy at that point in our lives that I didn't feel I had the time or energy to train a puppy. My daughter just graduated the 8th grade. She really wanted a dog. Her best friend's family golden retrieverjust had a litter of 10 puppies. I was completely against it and we couldn't afford them anyway. But my daughter was bound and determined to have a puppy. I told her that if she saved all of her summer job money then I would try to get the other part of it for her. So my daughter worked her butt off and by the end of the summer she had half of what we needed. It didn't look like we ...