Hobbies other than photography

A lot of people ask me what I do when I'm not going out and shooting. I not only do photography, but I also donate my time helping the homeless and the elderly. When I'm not doing those I end up a great deal of time giving impromptu animal training lessons. They happen everywhere all the time. I'm also an animal rehabilitator. Not so much right now, but I do rescue animals I find in trouble out in the wild or move dead animals out of the road. I also am an avid bird watcher and have a profile on ebird.org

I have been doing that for the past couple of years. I always carry a notebook with me and I write down all the birds I have seen and I try to get as many photos as I can.

Bird watching has become a very great release for me. A way to wind down or if I'm not feeling well I will pack up a lunch, grab my chair and I will count birds all day. Or I will travel around in a certain area and do the same thing. 

I do have a couple of places that I love to go and just sit and relax.. Comerford Dam in Lower Waterford, Vermont is my number 1 place to go. If I could get away with living in the wood there I would do it in a heart beat.  I could make this great little shed and be happy. You probably wouldn't even know I was there. OR make a tree house. That would be cool. HA! Now I'm getting off subject. The second place I really like to sit and relax is Dolloff Pond in the Willoughby State Forest in Sutton. That is on a dirt road that is turning into a logging road. But it is so quite and peaceful. Then all of Willoughby State Forest and if I'm traveling I have to check out Duck Pond Road in Waterford. There are so many different type of birds. I don't hang out there very long because there is really no place for Caera and I to hang out.

I almost forgot about this place, but Job's Pond in Newark is another spot I like to see and watch the Loons. That is where I got the two photos above. I used to take my dad there to go fishing. 

Some other things I like to do is study nature. I usually pick a subject in nature and study it. I mostly study animals, but one year is was the effects storms had on trees another was watching and studying how mushrooms grow. I also Love horses. I will sit and watch horses all day long if I have the chance. I used to ride and own horse all through my life, but now my knees say No More so I have gotten to only photograph and observe. 
I love old cars and trucks and I collect books from the 1800's. My oldest book is from 1835.
Dolloff Pond, Willoughby State Forest

Lake Willoughby, Westmore, Vermont

Duck Pond Road, Waterford, Vermont

Everything I have done in my past time now is synced with my photography. Photography makes me happy. It calms me when I anxious and it keeps my mind busy. Also I'm helping the environment by counting birds and educating folks. 
Being able to show people how nature looks and feels has been a big bonus. What makes it extra special is when your fans tell you that your work makes them happy or gives them inspiration.




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