I can't believe its been a month and a half since I last wrote on here. Note to self: Get off your butt and write in your blog more often!!!
I have had a ton of stuff go on in this time frame. The great news is that I got on the PASS program. It took about 3 weeks I think. In that time period I have bought a brand new camera. A Canon Rebel T7. And I got a Canon 200mm. The nice one not the kit lens! I'm so in love with both of these products. I also got a couple of new programs. I got Inpixio and Adobe RU (which you can create videos), Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop. After working with Inpixio I'm going to drop Adobe Photoshop because Inpixio is a lot better for what I do. I don't want a bunch of magic tricks. I like to play around, but not to the extent that some people do in the photography industry. I'm a purest and like to take photos and not have to edit them too much. But!!!! Then again there is that very creative side that needs to have its say as well. So here is an example of some of the stuff I do in photoshop or Inpixio.

The top photo was my final edit and then I put it away. That one was done in another photo editing software that I like more than Adobe as well and its called Lumii. I have Lumii on my phone, but its wicked difficult to get it on my laptop. The bottom one was put through Inpixio and I didn't do to much to it other than sharpen it a bit, tried the auto correct on Inpixio and added the frame. I love both, but the bottom is a little more artsy and would look really cool in a silver frame.
I also won in a contest with 500 other folks to have one of our photos go to Ireland to be in an art show. This photo is extremely special because this photo was my first commission and it was commissioned by my good friend Carrie who died a few short months after I did her photo. She died of a rare lung disease. Ireland was also on her bucket list of places to go. She never made it in person, but now she will in spirit. And what a magical place Ireland is and it's so fitting. Here is the photo that won in the contest.

Other stuff that has happened. I'm officially a business in the state of Vermont. Sierra St. Francis Mobile Photography Studio LLC is up and running. I haven't gotten too many customers, but I'm still working on ads and I'm out almost everyday doing photography. I'm working on getting a Photography Show together. I'm also working on several photography books and going through older stuff to enlarge to sell or put into books. I'm selling only 11x14's. I think those are the perfect size to put on a wall. I also got my business cards done and they came in. I ordered 16x20 mattes for 11x14 photos. I also bought a skillsaw, level, and a hammer. I bought a tote to put all my stuff in and I also have some really cool props. So now I'm saving up for a trailer. I'm waiting to get all of the little stuff before I go and buy a SUV or a truck. I have a cousin with a truck that will help me haul it. I just have to figure out a place to put it after I get it. If it's a horse trailer I can move it to my place. I have permission to work on it at home. If its a camper I'm going to have to find somewhere close to store it so I can work on it. I'm so excited to start working on this. My dad would be so proud.
Thanks for stopping by!
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